Real name
Head of Marketing & PR 


Sandra Honner joined audius in 2016. She is responsible for all marketing and PR activities of the audius Group.


This year more than 1,400 registrations were counted for the NullCon 2018 in Goa!
This shows how far the NullCon has come on its 9-year journey.

In 2010, the founders started with only 110 applications and 2 sponsors. Today, over 1,400 applications have been received and 27 exhibitors and sponsors have participated in the conference.
For the training, which took place from February 27 to March 1, 375 people and 200 international participants were registered.

Therefore the NullCon is now the most important conference in Asia when it comes to topics such as data protection, social engineering, cyber security and bug bounties. The conference addresses the tech community, but also seeks the active involvement of large corporations, representatives of the indian government, important political decision makers, scientists and the media - also to research into cybersecurity in context of the particular requirements of the management.

Moreover the NullCon has become one of the places where talented professionals not only to compare notes with each other, but also to get in touch with top companies.

At this juncture, the largest center for "bug bounty programs" has been emerged. These are initiatives of the big software enterprises, 
social media and search engine providers, where cash and non-cash prizes are awarded for the disclosure of vulnerabilities in their products or services.

This year the highlights of NullCon were:

  • Car hacking workshop
  • Hardware CTF & ICS Village
  • Privacy & Society Track
  • Machine Learning & 3g / 4g Telecom Security Training
  • Understanding Cryptocurrencies Village 101

Our Division Director of Security & Audit Services Joerg Simon has once again given a two-day audit training with a following OPSE certification.
In addition, audius was involved as a signage sponsor at the NullCon conference.