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Since 2020, Melanie Ilg is supporting audius in the area of investor relations and corporate development.
Financial Calendar
Everything at a glance: The date of the next Annual General Meeting or an important conference attended by experts from audius. Issue dates for financial publications such as annual reports and quarterly announcements. We have collected together all dates in the financial calendar.
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What does the name "audius" stand for?
The name "audius" is an acronym of the company's first software to be developed in-house: Außendienstunterstützungssystem (Field Service Support System).
What is the WKN and the ISIN of the audius stock?
The security number is: A0M530. (The WKN was A0M530 until 22.08.2024).
The ISIN of audius SE is DE000A40ET13. (Until August 22, 2024, the ISIN was NL0006129074. This foreign ISIN is due to the fact that IT Competence Group SE was founded in the Netherlands in 2006. The company relocated in 2018 and the ISIN was also changed with the conversion from bearer shares to registered shares).
What is the ticker for the audius stock?
Since 23.08.2024 the ticker is: 3ITN
When did audius SE go public?
audius SE was listed on the stock exchange in 2007 under its former name IT Competence Group SE.
When did the company change its name to audius SE?
By resolution of the Annual General Meeting in 2020, the Company was renamed audius SE and its registered office relocated to Weinstadt near Stuttgart.
What is audius AG?
audius AG is a holding company and is entirely privately owned. The latter holds shares in the listed company audius SE.
What is the par value of audius shares?
The audius shares are registered shares with a par value of 1 Euro.
What is the composition of the subscribed capital?
The subscribed capital amounts to 4,950,000 euros and is divided into 4,950,000 no-par value registered shares.
When and in what amount did the last capital increase take place?
The Company's share capital increased by 275,000 euros from 4,675,000 to 4,950,000 euros on December 11, 2020 through the issue of 275,000 new no-par value bearer shares.
Where can I find out the latest news about audius shares?
You can register HERE to subscribe to our newsletter.
On which stock exchanges are the share traded?
The audius SE shares can be traded on the following stock exchanges: Xetra, Tradegate, Frankfurt, Munich, Stuttgart, Berlin, Dusseldorf. The greatest liquidity can currently be found on the Xetra and Tradegate exchanges.
Can I buy shares directly from the bank?
If you already have a securities account with a bank, contact your advisor and purchase the desired number of shares through them. If you use a securities account at an online bank, you can buy shares of audius SE there as usual. In both cases, look for the securities identification code (WKN) A0M530.
Does audius buy back its own shares?
Not at present. However, an anticipatory resolution was passed at the Annual General Meeting in 2021 to enable the Company to implement a share buyback program.
How can I change my address in the share register?
The shares of audius SE have been registered shares since August 23, 2024 and audius has had the share register managed by Captrace GmbH since then. Changes can be made there by the shareholders. Contact details Captrace GmbH: +49 611 711 868 40 or office(at)
What are the business divisions of audius and what is their significance?
The audius Group has 3 business divisions: IT services, software/cloud and mobile communications. Each of the three divisions accounts for a balanced share of audius SE's total sales, ensuring cyclically independent, crisis-proof and long-standing business relationships and creating synergies.
According to which standard does audius prepare its financial statements?
audius prepares its financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB).
What are the effects of HGB accounting on goodwill amortization?
In HGB accounting, the focus is on creditor protection. This calls for the goodwill regularly arising in the case of company acquisitions to be amortized on a scheduled basis. As a result, audius SE currently has to report significantly higher depreciation and amortization than would be the case if it were accounted for in accordance with the international IFRS standard. Therefore, our most important earnings indicator is EBITDA, which is comparable with the results of our competitors who prepare their accounts in accordance with IFRS.
What is the audius dividend policy?
In principle, the company intends to distribute half of its net income to shareholders in the future. At the same time, however, audius reserves the right to deviate from this policy if the financial resources are needed for acquisitions and thus promise greater value creation for the shareholders.
How high were the last dividend payments?
In 2021, a dividend was paid for the first time for the 2020 financial year.
In 2022, this was increased from 17 cents to 30 cents per dividend-bearing share for 2021.
2023 then from 30 cents to 35 cents for 2022.
In 2024, the dividend remained at 35 cents for 2023.
When is the dividend paid?
The dividend is paid to shareholders on the 3rd working day after the Annual General Meeting.
When and where will the next Annual General Meeting be held?
Where can I get information about the agenda for the next Annual General Meeting?
All relevant information and documents from the upcoming and past Annual General Meetings can be found HERE.
Where can I find the invitation to the next Annual General Meeting?
You will receive these by post directly from audius SE.
Why did my custodian bank not inform me about the convening of the audius SE Annual General Meeting?
Since August 23, 2024, audius shares are no longer bearer shares, but registered shares. You will therefore now receive invitations to the upcoming Annual General Meetings directly from audius SE. You will find the date of the next Annual General Meeting in good time in the financial calendar on our website or at
When are the voting results of the Annual General Meeting announced?
Results are announced while the Annual General Meeting is still in session. Subsequently, you will also find all results on our website.
Where can I find the current financial reports?
You can find the current annual report HERE.
When does the audius SE fiscal year start and end?
The fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31.
How do I get the latest IR information?
You can register HERE to subscribe to our newsletter.
Who can I contact if I have further questions?
Please feel free to contact Ms. Melanie Ilg at or +49 7151 369 00 364.