Investor Relations
Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Here you can find current information and downloads concerning audius SE’s annual shareholders’ meeting.
Investor Relations
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Annual General Meeting 2023
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The next Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 25, 2025, in the Welfensaal of the Waiblingen Civic Center.
You will find all further information here from Q2/2025.
We would like to thank our shareholders and proxies for their interest in the audius Group and the upcoming event.
We look forward to your participation!
Your audius IR team
Due to the conversion to registered shares, we look forward to contacting you personally and inviting you to the next Annual General Meeting.
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Dokumente HV 2024
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Convening and agenda with proposed resolutions by the management (only german)
Results of the AGM vote audius SE 26/06/2024 (only german)
Presentation of the AGM of audius SE 26/06/2024 (only german)
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Documents 2023 (in German only)
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Einberufung und Tagesordnung mit Beschlussvorschlägen der Verwaltung
Übersicht Abstimmungsergebnisse
Präsentation des Vorstands
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Documents 2022 (in German only)
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Einberufung einschließlich Tagesordnung und Beschlussvorschläge der Verwaltung
Übersicht Abstimmungsergebnisse
Präsentation des Vorstands
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Documents 2021 (in German only)
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Einberufung einschließlich Tagesordnung und Beschlussvorschläge der Verwaltung
Übersicht Abstimmungsergebnisse
Präsentation des Vorstands
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Report of the Supervisory Board (in German only)
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Bericht Aufsichtsrat
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