Real name
Head of Marketing & PR 


Sandra Honner joined audius in 2016. She is responsible for all marketing and PR activities of the audius Group.


audius supports children in Romania

Fun and sports together with friends are part of a happy life for children all over the world. But in Romania in particular, countless children have to do without this today. They live in hardship and poverty, abandoned, parentless and therefore in children's homes. 

In order to be able to help these children in a targeted manner, we support a children's home of the social project "Bridge to Life" every year with the Christmas campaign "audius helps". 
For this year, we have resolved to do more than just contribute to a good time with donations. Last month, a whole package of tracksuits and sports shoes for each of the children was therefore sent on its way to Romania. It's hard to believe how happy the young athletes were about their cool new outfits!