Real name
Head of Marketing & PR 


Sandra Honner joined audius in 2016. She is responsible for all marketing and PR activities of the audius Group.


audius – 30 years of running IT for people! What began as a small start-up in 1991 has now developed into one of the most successful medium-sized IT and software companies in Germany. Today, the parent company and its subsidiaries are at the forefront of IT services, software and the 5G mobile network expansion. The secret to their success lies in the smart mix of expertise, state-of-the-art technologies, certified quality management and award-winning innovations. Always focused on the needs of audius customers.

Thirty years ago, the four company founders laid the foundations for the company as we know it today. Originally called Komma Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, the start-up supplied customers with office equipment and took over the system planning and development of individualized software. One of the company’s first major software developments was called audius (short for AußenDIenstUnterstützungsSysteme). The company has been operating under this name since 2000; a good example of the benefits of combining stability and innovation.

Growing faster than the market

The digitalization of society through software, computers, and networked systems has been progressing apace since the 1990s. audius has remained at the forefront of this. Back in the early days of the business, fax machines and floppy disks were the norm. Today, the digital transformation is revolutionizing our everyday lives. The diverse strategic acquisitions of audius have been integral to the company’s growth, strengthening the portfolio and market position. The owner-operated company now employs about 500 people at 18 locations, 15 of which are in Germany.

And according to CEO and company founder Rainer Francisi, there is still a long way to go: “We want to continue to make targeted acquisitions that allow us to grow organically and faster than the market. For at the end of the day, not the big ones beat the little ones, but the fast beat the slow.”


Schneller wachsen als der Markt

Software, Computer, vernetzte Systeme – kurzum die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft – entwickeln gerade seit den 1990ern eine beeindruckende Dynamik. audius ist bis heute ganz vorne mit dabei. Faxgeräte und Floppy Disks gehörten zum frühen Tagesgeschäft. Heute bestimmt die digitale Transformation den Alltag. Beim Wachstum kaum wegzudenken sind die vielfältigen strategischen Zukäufe von audius, die so Portfolio und Marktposition überzeugend stärken. Inzwischen beschäftigt das inhabergeführte Unternehmen etwa 500 Mitarbeiter an 17 Standorten, davon 15 in Deutschland.

Und geht es nach dem Vorstandsvorsitzenden und Firmengründer Rainer Francisi, ist die Entwicklung noch lange nicht abgeschlossen: „Wir wollen organisch und durch gezielte Zukäufe weiterhin schneller wachsen als der Markt. Denn am Ende fressen nicht die Großen die Kleinen, sondern die Schnellen die Langsamen.“