Real name
Head of Marketing & PR 


Sandra Honner joined audius in 2016. She is responsible for all marketing and PR activities of the audius Group.


Since the end of 2013, we have been supporting Clean Water e.V., an organization that promotes access to potable water in emerging countries.

Because we maintain close links to India through our Security & Audit Services business unit, providing on-site help for the people of the country is a subject that is close to our heart.

The aim of the project is to make lasting improvements to the drinking water supply by working hand in hand with the villagers.

This approach is complemented by another partner on the ground, United for hope e.V., which contributes a holistic vision of development – including supporting the local school and individual students, raising awareness of the issue of hygiene and cleanliness, improving street lighting in the village by introducing solar lamps, and installing toilets. The issue of empowering women also plays an important role.

We are already seeing the first successes: A water treatment system with a daily capacity of some 10,000 liters has been installed. This entailed building a “water house” and sinking a well. To distribute the drinking water, we purchased our first vehicle – a motorized tricycle, which is used to deliver the drinking water canisters to the villagers.

> More information on Clean Water e.V.

> More information on our social activities